Child Dreams by Zora Cross

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Where are the dreams of our lost infancy 
That lit with colour every grey, old day? 
Where the romance that filled our morning way 
And made a castle of a fallen tree?
Shall treasure ships go out no more to sea 
Whose masts lie rank in some forgotten bay? 
Shall no red pirates man the deck of play? 
Nor green-eyed goblins down the forest flee? 

Ah! child, that dreamed in lands of make-believe, 
Building fern bridges for the fairies' feet, 
Hiding in caves from some pale phantom fear, 
Remembering still, I laugh. How can I grieve? 
My childhood's faith in all things still is sweet; 
I build its castles yet since Love is here.

First published in The Sydney Mail, 15 December 1920;
and later in 
The Register, 19 February 1921.

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