Faith by Zora Cross

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May not the soul be fed with brighter food
Than that the brown earth yields? May not the mind,
Freed from old knowledge, some new vision find
In spheres that are without dull stone and wood?
Surely the spirit earns its livelihood   
Of images Divinity designed.
Surely the bread of dreams that keeps us blind
To fleshly, needs Death's seed of Sleep makes good.
The adolescence of the ego still
Encourages us to sing, though Time
Bids us instruct our conscience how to heaven
Eternity to the omniscient Will.
May we not leam, then, despite War's red crime,
Hell's but a mirage on the plain of Heaven?

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 December 1943

Author reference sites: AustlitAustralian Dictionary of BiographyOld Qld Poetry

See also.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on December 18, 2011 6:08 AM.

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