M. L. Stedman Interview

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light_between_oceans.jpg    It seems to be the time of the debut Australian novelist. After the publication of The Rook by Daniel O'Malley a few weeks back we now have The Light Between the Oceans by M.L. Stedman, an Australian author living in London. Seems publishers on both sides of the Atlantic were rather keen on this one. The author was interviewed for "The Age" by Linda Morris.
In the US, Stedman procured a ''high six-figure'' for this, her first novel-length manuscript, a rare book that crosses literary and commercial fiction. ''It was wild, just so far beyond my experience and imagining. I have no explanation for it,'' she says of the bidding war. Stedman interviewed each interested publisher, clear-eyed and stubborn in her intent to find someone who recognised her endeavours to explore life's eternal questions about truth, redemption and the nature of happiness for a broad readership of women and men.

Her belief in the authority of the reader lies partly behind her attempts to maintain relative anonymity in the wake of her mass-market success.

Her official biography comprises a single line: ''M.L. Stedman was born and raised in Western Australia and now lives in London.'' Even her first name, Margot, is concealed.

And, yes, there is a book trailer:

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Have you read this one, Perry?

I read it a couple of months ago and will post my review in the next few days.

No, haven't read it as yet. I'm so far behind I think I may never catch up. I'm not even sure this has been released in Australia as yet.

I've got a copy of THE ROOK but even that is languishing on the bench in the lounge room.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on March 26, 2012 9:13 AM.

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