2011 Miles Franklin Award Shortlist

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The shortlist of novels in the running for the 2011 Miles Franklin Award has been released:

The list is:

When Colts Ran by Roger McDonald
That Deadman Dance by Kim Scott
Bereft by Chris Womersley

A total of three novels in a shortlist that normally contains 5 or 6.  I'm not sure what to make of this number, nor what to make of the fact that all the authors are male, again. I can't see that anyone is going to be happy with this announcement, aside from the authors and their publishers of course.

Is this indicative of a down-turn in quality of Australian novels?  Or something else entirely? There were nine novels on the original longlist.  Even that seemed a little "short" for a "long" list.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on April 20, 2011 3:33 PM.

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