2011 Miles Franklin Award Longlist

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The nine novels on the 2011 Miles Franklin Award longlist have now been announced.

The novels are:

Rocks in the Belly, Jon Bauer, Scribe Publications
The Good Daughter, Honey Brown, Viking
The Mary Smokes Boys, Patrick Holland, Transit Lounge Publishing
The Piper's Son, Melina Marchetta, Viking
When Colts Ran, Roger McDonald, Vintage
Time's Long Ruin, Stephen Orr, Wakefield Press
That Deadman Dance, Kim Scott, Picador
The Legacy, Kirsten Tranter, 4th Estate
Bereft, Chris Womersley, Scribe Publications

The reduced shortlist will be released on 19 April 2011, with the winner being anounced in Melbourne on 22 June 2011.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on March 21, 2011 9:16 AM.

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