"'Ot?" by C.J. Dennis

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'Ot? - Well, wot a thing to arst!
Think I'm made of marble?  Wot?
'Ot?  Ay? 'Ot!! Why, --! An' -!
Wot a question!  'Course I'm 'ot!

'Ot?  Well, I should say I am!
Think I'm goin' to say I'm not?
Do I feel the wot?  Oh-!
Shut yer 'ead! I know it's 'ot!!

'Ot?  Dy'e think I bloomin' well
Don't know that much?  'Ot!  Great Scot!!!
Do I wot?  Oh, ----!!!
'Eavens, don't I know it's 'ot!

'OT?  Wot rot!  Do I look cool?
Do I notice wot?  The glare?
Why you -!!  *****!! Fool!!
--!  ***? --!!!  --***?
--!  --!  --!  ***!!!!!! - There!

First published in The Gadfly, 21 February 1906

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on February 21, 2013 5:48 PM.

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