Trouble Waiting to Happen

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Neil Gaiman mentions P.L. Travers (author of the Mary Poppins books) in an interview for "The New York Times".  Seems she wrote stories that made him want to be a writer. The note is on page 2.

Steve Grimwade has been the director of the past two Melbourne Writers' Festivals, and has now decided that the 2012 edition will be his last. He's given the Festival Board plenty of time to find a replacement and to have that person attend this year's event. Very classy handover.

Tim Winton has been in Canberra seeing Environment Minister Tony Burke, urging him to sign-off on plans for a marine sanctuary in Western Australian waters.

Looks like Amazon is trying to find warehouse space for a push into the Australian book market.

If you know Justine Larbalestier, or are related to her, she has now given you permission to not read her books.  She'd like you to, but it isn't compulsory.

Australian poet John Kinsella will appear at Poetry Parnassus at London's Southbank Centre, in a pre-Olympics arts event.

John Birmingham ponders the lives of his characters between novels.  He also wishes he had the time to develop his characters like George R.R. Martin does in his Game of Thrones epic.  The trouble there is that Martin keeps on killing his characters off, main players as well.  You know, like it happens in the real world. As my daughter was reading the series she kept calling out: "He's killed another one!"

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on May 11, 2012 2:03 PM.

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