Poem: To the Memory of Henry Kendall by David Flanagan

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Araluen! Araluen! first-fruit of a holy love,
I am speeding, swiftly speeding, to eternal life above;
Ah! I hear thee sweetly calling to thy father, "Come away";
And my soul shall pass to join thee in eternity, to-day.

Radiant spirit! thou didst leave us ere the heaven lit beam grew dim,
And immortal now thou shinest 'mid the joyful seraphim.
Days, and months, and years have vanished --- vanished o'er this troubled life,
Since we lost thee, Araluen; lost thee 'midst earth's weary strife.

Hark! I hear rich music swelling --- louder yet --- it fills mine ear,
And a glimpse of life eternal from thy dwelling sbines anear;
Now, I feel myself uplifted; nearer sounds that heavenly swell;
Oh! I pass from earth to heaven! Friends --- beloved --- fare-you-well.

Araluen! Araluen! with thy father by thy side,
Thou dost know the sweet reunion: But for us --- Ah! well he died.

First published in The Queenslander, 3 October 1891

Note: the "Araluen" referred to in this poem was the child of Henry Kendall who died at the age of 13 months in 1870. You can read more about her here.

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