Peter Temple on Film

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The word is that Peter Temple's Miles Franklin Award winning novel, Truth, is heading for a film adaptation some time soon.  Filmmaker John Polson has announced that the film will be made in Melbourne, and Temple seems pretty adamant that the main part of Stephen Villani should go to an Australian actor.  But as we all know, there's many a slip between book and screenplay, and screenplay and screen.  Polson, with TV credits such as Lie to Me, The Good Wife and Flash Forward to his name, should have as good a chance as anyone of bringing this off.

Update: I've fixed an error in this piece, thanks to Melva from Canberra for picking it up.

An additional piece of information in The Age article above states that Temple's earlier novel, The Broken Shore, is being developed as a three-part television mini-series for the ABC by the same people who produced Rake earlier this year. Previous mentions of this have only related to a feature film production.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on February 18, 2011 5:46 PM.

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