Major Australian Literary Anniversaries in 2010

Births in 1910
Alec Coppel (d. 1972)
Walter Cunningham (d. 1988)
Brian Elliott (d. 1991)
Alan Moorehead (d. 1983)
Frank O'Grady (d. 1987)
Elizabeth Riddell (d. 1998)
Clive Sansom (d. 1981)
Walter Stone (d. 1981)
Elizabeth Webb
Deaths in 1910
James Lister Cuthbertson (b. 1851)
Mary Fortune (b. 1833?)
Catherine Helen Spence (b. 1825)

First Publication in 1910
"Ah, If Only We Could" by Mary Gilmore
Bells and Bees by Louis Esson
"The Boozers' Home" by Henry Lawson
"Bush Goblins" by H. M. Green
Bushland Stories by Amy Eleanor Mack
"A Bush Publican's Lament" by Henry Lawson
"The Christ-Child Day in Australia" by Ethel Turner
The Getting of Wisdom by Henry Handel Richardson
"His Brother's Keeper" by Henry Lawson
"An Old Master" by C.J. Dennis
"The Poet" by Bernard O'Dowd
The Rising of the Court and Other Sketches in Prose and Verse by Henry Lawson
The Skyline Riders and Other Verses by Henry Lawson
"Two Sundowners" by Henry Lawson
"When Dawson Died" by Sumner Locke
"You, and Yellow Air" by John Shaw Neilson

Births in 1960
Adam Aitken
Kerry Argent
Catherine Bateson
Shane Dix
Michel Faber
Pamela Freeman
Frieda Hughes
Margo Lanagan
Kirsty Murray
Anna Nicholson
Narelle Oliver
Tim Richards
Michael Robotham
Dipti Saravanamuttu
Margaret Simons
Tim Winton

Deaths in 1960
Frank Fox (b. 1874)
N.K. Hemming (b. 1927)
E.V. Timms (b. 1895)

First Publication in 1960
Australian Bird Poems by Judith Wright
Closer to the Sun by George Johnston
Cop this Lot by Nino Cullota
A Descant for Gossips by Thea Astley
The Irishman by Elizabeth O'Conner
Poems by A.D. Hope
The Rocks of Honey by Patricia Wrightson
Trustee from the Toolroom by Nevil Shute
Valley of Smugglers by Arthur Upfield


Welcome back from your holiday, Perry! We missed you:)

Surely not.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on January 4, 2010 12:52 PM.

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Australian Bookcovers #192 - Blood Moon by Garry Disher is the next entry in this blog.

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