Australian Writers on Postage Stamps

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Australia Post is set to honour six Australian authors as living legends with a new stamp release scheduled for today.  Peter Carey, Bryce Courtenay, Tom Keneally, David Malouf, Colleen McCullough and Tim Winton will each appear in two images on 55c stamps - one from the present and one from the past.

This release follows the 2009 Living Legends postage stamp release that honoured legends of the screen: Cate Blanchett, Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman and Geoffrey Rush.

You can get further details of the various products in the release here.

1 Comment

What a relief! I was horrified to get a letter from Australia the other day with a stamp of Russell Crowe in full Gladiator kit. Living in the UK, I am long used to snide remarks about Oz culture, and I hid the stamp fast....

(Just this week, when discussing Oz book sales with a Brit, I happened to mention that a certain book had sold 35,000 copies -- a quite respectable number for a work of literary fiction, even by English standards. The gentleman guffawed and said, 'Gosh! That that must represent the entire Australian reading public!')

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on January 21, 2010 2:47 PM.

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Reprint: Early Australian Women Writers by E. B. H. is the next entry in this blog.

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