Litblogs in "The Big Issue"

George Dunford, who blogs at Hackpacker, has a piece in the latest edition of "The Big Issue" titled "Click Lit".  It is based on a couple of interviews George undertook with Sydney-based author James Bradley and me - and I never cease to be amazed at how much better everyone else sounds.  I do refer to Jessa Crispin as "the queen of lit-blogs", which, even on reflection, is still right. 


Ahh you do get the guernsey as "wizard of Oz lit blogs" which sounds pretty good. Plus you've got good ideas on the impact of lit blogs on print.
I'm going to whack it up on my blog next week after vendors have had a good chance to sell the current ed. I'll comment the link in here if you like.

Sounds good. I gather James Bradley is having trouble finding a copy.

My regular seller last week wasn't on his normal corner so had to pick up mine outside Readings in Hawthorn on Saturday.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on August 17, 2009 3:43 PM.

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