Tara Moss Interview

The "CTV.ca" website interviews Australian crime writer Tara Moss ahead of her next release Siren - out later this year.

"Publishing my first book was so exciting. But no one believed that a model had penned it, let alone cram it with details about forensics," says Moss, who moved to Australia in 1996 after "falling in and out of love." Teeming with slashers, sex and sickos, "Makedde Vanderwall," Moss' hot, crime-solving alter ego, had fans smitten. Critics and Australian newspapers, however, challenged Moss to take a polygraph test to confirm her story and her talent. "I gladly took the test and passed," says Moss. "Now I can say, unlike other authors, that I am a scientifically-proven writer."

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on June 20, 2008 11:47 AM.

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