2006 Aurealis Award Nominations

The full list of nominations for the 2006 Aurealis Awards have now been released. The Awards are given for best sf and fantasy works published by Australian writers during 2006. The winners will be announced in Brisbane on January 27th.

Science Fiction novels

K. A. Bedford, Hydrogen Steel
Damien Broderick, K-Machines
Andrew McGahan, Underground
Sean Williams & Shane Dix, Geodesica Ascent

Science Fiction short stories

Lee Battersby, "Dark Ages"
David Conyers, "Aftermath"
Stephen Dedman, "Down to the Tethys Sea"
Sean Williams, "The Seventh Letter"

Horror novels

Will Elliott, The Pilo Family Circus
Edwina Grey, Prismatic
Martin Livings, Carnies
Brett McBean, The Mother

Horror short stories

Stephen Dedman, "Dead of Winter"
Margo Lanagan, "Winkie"
Chris Lawson, "Hieronymus Boche"
Kaaron Warren, "Dead Sea Fruit"
Kaaron Warren, "Woman Train"

Fantasy novels

Grace Dugan, The Silver Road
Glenda Larke, Heart of the Mirage
Juliet Marillier, Wildwood Dancing
Sean McMullen, Voidfarer
Michael Pryor, Blaze of Glory

Fantasy short stories

Lee Battersby, "Dark Ages"
Stephanie Campisi, "Why the Balloon Man Floats Away"
Margo Lanagan, "A Fine Magic"
Lucy Sussex, "The Revenant"
Anna Tambour, "See Here, See There"

Young Adult novels

D.M. Cornish, Monster Blood Tattoo Book One: Foundling
Amanda Holohan, The King's Fool
Justine Larbalestier, Magic Lessons
Juliet Marillier, Wildwood Dancing
Scott Westerfeld, The Last Days

Young Adult short stories

Deborah Biancotti, "They Dying Light"
Simon Brown, "Leviathan"
Margo Lanagan, "A Feather in the Breast of God"
Margo Lanagan, "Baby Jane"
Margo Lanagan, "Forever Upward"
Shaun Tan, The Arrival

Children's novels

Isobelle Carmody, A Fox Called Sorrow
John Flanagan, Oakleaf Bearers
Mardie McConnochie, Melissa, Queen of Evil
Nury Vittachi, Twilight in the Land of Nowhen
Kim Wilkins, Fantastica: The Sunken Kingdom Series

Children's short stories

Jane Godwin, "The True Story of Mary Who Wanted to Stand on Her Head"
Margaret Wild & Anne Spudvilas, "Woolvs in the Sittee"
Victor Kelleher & Stephen Michael King, "The Magic Violin"

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