2009 Aurealis Award Winners

The 2009 Aurealis Award winners were announced in Brisbane over the weekend.  These jury-judged awards were set up to honour the best Australian sf, fantasy, horror and young adult works.  The winners for 2009 were:

Best Science Fiction Novel

Andrew McGahan, Wonders of a Godless World, Allen & Unwin

Best Science Fiction Short Story
Peter M. Ball, 'Clockwork, Patchwork and Ravens', Apex Magazine May 2009

Best Fantasy Novel
Trudi Canavan, Magician's Apprentice, Orbit

Best Fantasy Short Story (joint winners)
Christopher Green, 'Father's Kill', Beneath Ceaseless Skies #24
Ian McHugh, 'Once a Month, On a Sunday', Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #40, Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Co-operative Ltd

Best Horror Novel
Honey Brown, Red Queen, Penguin Australia

Best Horror Short Story (joint winners)
Paul Haines, 'Wives', X6, Coeur de Lion Publishing
Paul Haines, 'Slice of Life - A Spot of Liver', Slice of Life, The Mayne Press

Best Anthology
Jonathan Strahan (editor), Eclipse 3, Night Shade Books

Best Collection
Greg Egan, Oceanic, Gollancz

Best Illustrated Book/Graphic Novel

Nathan Jurevicius, Scarygirl, Allen & Unwin

Best Young Adult Novel
Scott Westerfeld, Leviathan Trilogy: Book One, Penguin

Best Young Adult Short Story
Cat Sparks, 'Seventeen', Masques, CSFG

Best Children's Novel
Gabrielle Wang, A Ghost in My Suitcase, Puffin Books

Best Children's Illustrated Work/Picture Book
Pamela Freeman (author), Kim Gamble (illustrator), Victor's Challenge, Walker Books Australia

In addition, the following awards were also announced at the ceremony:

The Peter McNamara Convenors' Award for Excellence went to Melbourne bookseller Justin Ackroyd

The Kris Hembury Encouragement Award for Emerging Artists went to Kathleen Jennings.

You can read the full shortlisted works here.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on January 25, 2010 11:25 AM.

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