Peter Goldsworthy Profile

Peter Goldsworthy's seventh novel, Everything I Knew, has just been published and is bound to cause a bit of a stir. The author was interviewed by "The Age".

Based on elements of his own childhood - including teenage crushes on teachers - Everything I Knew is about growing up, friendship, forbidden desires and what happens when boundaries are crossed. It's set in the 1960s in Penola, a small-time country town in South Australia's Coonawarra region, where Goldsworthy lived as a child and where he experienced his "first sexual stirrings". Goldsworthy says he has long been interested in "the eros between teacher and student" and wanted to explore it in his book.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on November 7, 2008 3:57 PM.

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