Prime Minister's Literary Awards

Rosemary Sorenson of "The Australian" finds that all is not sweetness and light with the Prime Minister's Literary Awards. It seems that Kevin Rudd has reserved the right to overrule the judging panels' recommendations. Just imagine the flak that will fly if that ever happened.

As well as that interesting piece of news, the article names the judging panels. Fiction Chair - Peter Pierce, former chair of Australian Literature at James Cook University John Marsden, author Margaret Throsby, ABC radio broadcaster
Non-Fiction Chair - Hilary Charlesworth, law faculty at the Australian National University John Doyle, performer and writer Sally Morgan, author and director at the Centre for Indigenous History and the Arts at the University of Western Australia

Official press release.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on April 2, 2008 11:21 AM.

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