John Birmingham Novel Extract

In my first list of forthcoming books for 2008, I listed a new "what-if" novel from John Birmingham, due in October. I didn't give it a title because, frankly, there didn't seem to be one. Never mind, you can now read an extract from the novel on John's weblog, "Cheeseburger Gothic". Be aware though, the author supplies a number of caveats:

It's unedited raw copy. It does contain errors which will be fixed up. Some ranks will change. The cam scene will change. And there are some narrative details which will definitely be different in the finished product. But it will give you an idea where I'm going. And yes, the Caitlin opener is a direct homage to the sleeping assassin genre. But she wakes up.
Still doesn't have a title though.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on January 9, 2008 4:20 PM.

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