2007 NSW Premier's History Awards Shortlists

The NSW Premier's History Awards were established by the New South Wales Government in 1997 to honour distinguished achievement in history by Australians. The Awards are conducted in association with the History Council of New South Wales. The shortlisted works for the 2007 Award were announced in early September. The nominated works are:

Australian History Prize
Violence & Colonial Dialogue: The Australian-Pacific Indentured Labour Trade by Tracey Banivanua-Mar
Black Founders: The Unknown Story of Australia's First Black Settlers by Cassandra Pybus
How a Continent Created a Nation by Libby Robin

Community and
Regional History Prize

Darby: One Hundred Years of Life in a Changing Culture by Liam Campbell
Mixed Relations: Asian-Aboriginal Contact in North Australia by Regina Ganter
A History of New South Wales by Beverley Kingston

General History Prize
Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 by Christopher Clark
To Exercise Our Talents: The Democratization of Writing in Britain by Christopher Hilliard
Pistols! Treason! Murder! The Rise and Fall of a Master Spy by Jonathan Walker

Young People's History Prize
Kokoda Track: 101 Days by Peter Macinnis
Songlines and Stone Axes: Transport, Trade and Travel in Australia by John Nicholson
Joan of Arc: The Story of Jehanne Darc by Lily Wilkinson

John and Patricia Ward History Prize
Violence & Colonial Dialogue: The Australian-Pacific Indentured Labour Trade by Tracey Banivanua-Mar
Trustees on Trial: Recovering the Stolen Wages by Rosalind Kidd
In the Interest of National Security: Civilian Internment in Australia During World War II by Klaus Neumann

The winners will be announced on October 9.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on October 1, 2007 10:18 AM.

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