Weekend Round-Up 2007 #30

The Australian

Gregory Day had a bit of a hit on his hands with his first novel, The Patron Saint of Eels, a year or so back, and now his second novel, set in the same part of the southwest coast of Victoria looks like picking up where that first novel left off. Christopher Bantick finds that "His fiction is a creel of ideas about how the sea influences perceptions. A common denominator is the way the sea affects the lives of those who live along the coast."

Craig Sherborne's first volume of his memoirs, Hoi Polloi, was published to critical acclaim a few years back, so his next instalment will be of interest to a great number of readers. Kathy Hunt thinks so in her review which she calls two acts of the one play, which "beg for the stage".

The Sydney Morning Herald

Malcolm Knox returns with his new novel, Jamaica, which Andrew Reimer attempts to come to grips with. While Reimer finds some faults, "My reservations are not much more than quibbles. The pace, verve and stylishness of Jamaica outweigh any such shortcomings. Some sections are brilliantly done."

There's not a lot this week, as you can see.

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