Tom Keneally and Oscar Schindler

Schindler's Ark is now 25 years old, and now Tom Keneally has returned to the story of Oscar Schindler, and the tale of how he came to write his novel with Searching for Schindler, A Memoir. Nick Bray interviews the author in "The Courier-Mail".

"It came to me about three years ago that there was a bit of a story here in the process of producing the book and the film," Keneally says modestly from his home in Sydney. And it would be an opportunity to tell the story of Poldek, also known as Leopold Pfefferberg Page, the man who convinced Keneally that Schindler's story was, as he repeatedly called it, "the greatest story of humanity, man to man".

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on September 24, 2007 8:44 AM.

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