2006 Western Australian Premier's Book Awards

The winners of the 2006 Western Australian Premier's Book Awards have been announced.

Premier's Prize
Shaun Tan - The Arrival

Simone Lazaroo - The Travel Writer

Dennis Haskell - All the Time in the World

Quentin Beresford - Rob Riley: an Aboriginal Leader's Quest for Justice; and
Peter Edwards - Arthur Tange: Last of the Mandarins

West Australian History Award
Bobbie Oliver and Patrick Bertola - The Workshops: A History of the Midland Government Railway Workshops

Children's Books
Shaun Tan - The Arrival

Young Adult's Books
Kate McCaffrey - Destroying Avalon

Hellie Turner - "Sardines"

So, Shaun Tan goes from strength to strength.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on June 25, 2007 9:23 PM.

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