Tom Keneally - Playwright

Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? At the age of 71, Tom Keneally, better known for his novel writing, is finalising the production of a play he has been developing for the past few years. "Either Or is based on the life of Kurt Gerstein, an enthusiastic Nazi who joined the SS as a sanitation expert trained in the use of Zyklon B, the gas the Nazis used to kill millions of Jews in death camps."

Kenally came across the story during his research for his Booker prize-winning novel Schindler's Ark and has been working with the Theatre J theatre company based in Washington D.C. for the past two years to get the original script into shape.

Keneally isn't sure how it will turn out, yet concludes: "whatever happens, I will die a better playwright."

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on May 3, 2007 12:02 PM.

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