Books Banned in Australia

The Australian Classification Review Board has banned two radical Islamic books, the first books banned in Australia in decades. The Australian Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, has now called for even tougher laws to ban such publications, according to a report in "The Australian".

And this "came after the Australian Federal Police and Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions both ruled that the books did not constitute sedition under new anti-terror laws passed last year."

So we are in for another round of security law tightening. I wonder when this will start affecting fiction. If a novelist describes a scene that can be construed as being instructive about a terrorist act, then that book might also be banned. I can think of a few that might fall foul of this law. Innocuous in themselves, but if you look at them in a certain light, as bureaucrats are wont to do, they could appear to be far more dangerous than they actually are.

Time to start getting a tad concerned I think.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on July 12, 2006 8:16 PM.

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