Index of First Lines - [I - J]


This page contains an index to the first lines of the poems and prose pieces of CJ Dennis that I have been able to find. Links are only included where the titles have been transcribed. As you might expect this number is rather small at the moment but it will increase over the time ahead. Where possible I will include details of first or major publication. Details of which Dennis publications have been transcribed into the listing are available.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

I 'ad been bushed in city streets,The Broken SanctuaryHerald 1922 | RV
I am last in the whole world wide,Lay of the Last MonkeySun 1927
I 'ave written Mick a letter in reply to one uv 'is,A Letter to the FrontThe Moods of Ginger Mick
I can conceive no heav'nly blissThe Weary PhilosopherBulletin 1912
I cried unto my love the other morningA Spring IdyllHerald 1933
I detest the Carrion Crow!Bird Song (Crow)A Book for Kids
I don't know what's come to the summerWeek-endsHerald 1931
I gives 'em lip at the big front doorThe Secret MendicantHerald 1931
"I got no time fer wasters, lad," sez 'e,Uncle JimThe Sentimental Bloke
I got so down to it last night,Old Bob BlairJim of the Hills
I got the oil: too right! A cove called Shane.The Oil from Bill ShaneHerald 1933
I hear them speak of a Fed'ral siteThe Capital SiteThe Bulletin 1910
I knew a policeman once -Billy's PolicemanHerald 1933
I knew a poor remittance man,The Mercenary ViewHerald 1931
I knew an old philanthropist, a farming man was he,Dad's Philanthropic PlanThe Bulletin 1909
I know I'm dull. I know I got a brainThe Also-RanRose of Spadgers
I met a lonely Labor man,The CastawayHerald 1931
I metabloke in Collun-street -The LingothatweuzeThe Bulletin 1910
I nearly fell fair in my tracks.The WooerJim of the Hills
I only own a crystal set"Pure Dutch"Sun 1927
I seldom get to hatin' men, nor had much cause to hate;Murray's RideJim of the Hills
I suspect the Kookaburra,Bird Song (Kookaburra)A Book for Kids
I think a great deal too much fuss"John T"Herald 1931
I think myself, if given the chance,Plain Politics: The Amateur BankerHerald 1931
I venerate economistsAnother Economic RiddleHerald 1931 | RV
"I wash me 'ands uv 'im," I tells 'em straight.Half a ManDigger Smith
"I wish't yeh meant it, Bill." Oh, 'ow me 'eartDoreenThe Sentimental Bloke
I wonder what the Jacks have got to laugh and laugh about.I WonderA Book for Kids
I wondered wot was doin'. First I seenSawin' WoodDigger Smith
I was standin' by the winder. Listen 'ere,The Tactless WifeHerald 1933
I wus pickin' gipsy vi'lits fer to try an' square Doreen.Vi'litsDoreen
I'd like to be a baker, and come when morning breaks,The BakerA Book for Kids
I'd like to be a barber, and learn to shave and clip,The BarberA Book for Kids
I'd like to be a pieman, and ring a little bell,The PiemanA Book for Kids
I'd like to be a porter, and always on the run,The PorterA Book for Kids
I'd like to be a postman, and walk along the street,The PostmanA Book for Kids
I'd like to be a sailor - a sailor bold and bluff -The SailorA Book for Kids
I'd like to be a teacher, and have a clever brain,The TeacherA Book for Kids
"If I'd 'a' played me Jack on that there Ten"Dummy BridgeDigger Smith
If, some day, you should find me, cold and stark -The AlternativeThe Bulletin
If Stanley were what Stanley seemsStanleyHerald 1931
If the cricket critics' naggingThe Wicket Cricket CriticHerald 1933
If you are stopped, just as the gate is closing,Please, Passenger, ForbearHerald 1922
(I'mDustHerald 1922
I'm standin' at the corner uv the Lane -NocturneRose of Spadgers
In Lady Lusher's drawing-room, where float the strains of Brahms,The Martyred DemocratBackblock Ballads and Other Verses
In our street, the main streetOur StreetA Book for Kids
Is all Australia's honor in his keeping,Who is He, Anyhow?Herald 1931
Is it the dawn of a Golden AgeThe Golden AgeHerald 1931
It chanced one day, in the middle of May,OgsThe Glugs of Gosh
It is truly as lucid as lucid can be;A Different MeaningThe Bulletin 1909
It is written: On the road between Jerusalem of oldOn the Road to JerichoThe Bulletin 1909
It knocks me can in, this ere game uv life,The Faltering KnightRose of Spadgers
It was an actor, seedy, sad,His Bread and His artThe Bulletin 1910
It was thus in the beginning: With a sporting chance of winning,"Jones, M.P."The Bulletin 1909
It's human nature for a bashful blokeFlamesJim of the Hills
"It's the dummy wot done it," said Bleary Bill.The Deadly DummySun 1927
It's the very fust time in me lifeHis Past CareerThe Bulletin 1910
It was n't kid stakes. I 'ad no crook lurkTermarter SorceRose of Spadgers
I've been watching them for weeks;The Pondering PunterHerald 1933
I've crawled; I've eaten dirt; I've lied a treat;IntroductionRose of Spadgers
I've knowed ole Flood this last five year or more;DadDigger Smith
I've lived a rather careless life,An EpitaphSun 1927
I've never met a man who hated dogs....DogsHerald 1922
I've seen so much uv dirt an' grimeWestDigger Smith

Jist 'ere it gripped me, on a sudden, like a red-'ot knife.PossumDoreen
Jist to intraj'uice me cobber, an 'is name is Ginger Mick -IntroductionThe Moods of Ginger Mick
John doesn't water the garden now,The Plaintive WifeSun 1927
Joseph Briggs, of Yorkshire, England, blessed country of Freetrade,BondsThe Bulletin 1909

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-03