Attorney Magee, of Millagadee,
He had for a client one Timothy Lee,
   A Chinaman he;
   But christened, you see,
A Sunday-school scholar of Millagadee,
   Where charming young ladies
   Preach Heaven and Hades
To simpering Chinkies of humble degree.

Attorney Magee collected a fee For services rendered to Chinaman Lee. Said Timothy Lee: "My Missee Magee What for you not give it leceiptee for me? No Chinaman cheatee, My want it leceiptee, Much better you give it," said Chinaman Lee.
Attorney Magee objected that he Would be hanged if he'd give a receipt for a fee To a blankety B Of a heathen Chinee! (His language, you'll notice, was painfully free, And better befitting A Parliament sitting. Or bibulous bullockies out for a spree!)
But Chinaman Lee propounded a plea: "Suppose you no give it leceiptee," said he, "me die, and you see, The Lord askee me; 'You allee same Clistian in Millagadee? You got it clean sheetee? Nobody you cheatee? You got it leceiptee from Missee Magee!'"
Said Chinaman Lee to Attorney Magee" "Me say you no give it leceiptee for fee! The Lord he tell me 'Go lookee for he; No halo can get till leceiptee me see!" No likee Him telee Look all over helee With devils and lawyers for Missee Magee!"

"W. T. Goodge"
Bulletin, 10 December 1898, p18

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