Works in the Herald 1933
The world's a little mad, I think.
   Each day's dread news I scan,
And nought save some grave mental kink
   Explains the state of man.
I read of riots, wars ans trife,
   And fear creeps in my boens
For passion-crazed humanity.
Till, tired if the inanity,
I seek a spark of sanity
   With old George Jones.

George Jones has little time at school
   He has no greed for pelf,
And he declares he's no man's fool
   Because he knows himself.
"It took a lifetime's studyin' --
   Hard study, too,: he drones;
"I've lived me life, I've had my fling,
An', knownin' wot one life cna bring,
I ain't supposin' at anything,"
   Says old George Jones.

I tell him that the world's gone mad.
   "Quite likely," he'll agree.
"In fact, I always thought so, lad --
   All mad, exceptin' me.
I got that bottom field to plough:
   You never seen such stones!
Tomorra that will be my care.
As for Japan, I ain't been there,
And Germany ain't my affair,"
   Says old George Jones.

If men won't know themselves, of course,"
   Says he, "an' look for light,
They got no hope, by fraud or force,
   At settin' others right.
I'm sorry for Americky,
   But I ain't got her loans.
I got me job of work to do,
An' I don't see no problems thro'
For other coves -- not even you,"
   Says old George Jones. 

Herald, 16 March 1933, p6

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2005