A Marching Song Fellers of Australier, Blokes an' coves an' coots, Shift yer --- carcases, Move yer --- boots. Gird yer --- loins up, Get yer --- gun, Set the --- enermy An' watch the blighters run. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, Have some --- sense. Learn the --- art of Self de- --- -fence. Have some --- brains be- Neath yer --- lids. An' swing a --- sabre Fer the missus an' the kids. Chuck supportin' --- posts, An' strikin' --- lights, Support a ---- fam'ly an' Strike fer yer --- rights. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. Joy is --- fleetin', Life is --- short. Wot's the use uv wastin' it All on --- sport? Hitch yer --- tip-dray To a --- star. Let yer --- watchword be "Australi- --- -ar!" CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. '0w's the --- nation Goin' to ixpand 'Lest us --- blokes an' coves Lend a --- 'and? 'Eave yer --- apathy Down a --- chasm; 'Ump yer --- burden with Enthusi- --- -asm. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. W'en old mother Britain Calls yer native land Take a --- rifle In yer --- 'and Keep yer --- upper lip Stiff as stiff kin be, An' speed a --- bullet for Post- --- -ity. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. W'en the --- bugle Sounds "Ad- --- -vance" Don't be like a flock er sheep In a --- trance Biff the --- Kaiser Where it don't agree Spifler- --- -cate him To Eternity. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. Fellers of Australier, Cobbers, chaps an' mates, Hear the --- German Kickin' at the gates! Blow the --- bugle, Beat the --- drum, Upper-cut an' out the cow To kingdom- --- -come! CHORUS: Get a --- move on, Have some --- sense. Learn the --- art of Self de- --- -fence. (With some acknowledgements to W.T. Goodge.) Footnote to 1915 reissue - Where a dash (---) replaces a missing word, the adjective "blessed" may be interpolated. In cases demanding great emphasis, the use of the word "blooming" is permissible. However, any other word may be used that suggests itself as suitable.
"Den" Note: Dennis acknowledges W.T. Goodge at the end of this poem. The piece he was referring to was The Great Australian Adjective.
Note by R.H. Croll - David Low, in his autobiography, made a reference to this poem, to which Alec Chisholm disagreed. Chisholm outlined his objections in the Bulletin, in January 1957, in an article titled "Low and Den". Early the next year Low had responded to Chisholm in a personal letter and Chisholm clarified the misunderstanding about this poem in "Low and Den", published, again in the Bulletin, in February 1958.
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